Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
BUT, come on! So, I was running at Wash Park this morning and passed two groups of construction men working on the sidewalk. One guy in the first group pointed at me, turned to his pals, and then they ALL turned around simultaneously and gawked for a prolonged period of time. GROSS. And then I passed the second group of men and they just all immediately turned and loooooooooooooked at me. Seriously, is that necessary?? And I attempted a very mean, serious glare and I'm pretty sure one of them mocked me. It really makes me feel objectified and I hate that. I mean, I would understand a glance or even a smile as I passed by them...but the rubber-necking has got to stop! Arrrgghhhh. That's my vent and soap box for today.
And Mike wanted to be included in the he says, "Hi!"
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Random things...
Here is the website:
The awesome thing about shopping on this website is that the woman who handmakes the items is also raising money through the sale of her items to adopt a daughter! So check out her selection and find your next new purse here to support a good cause. And, isn't it cool that it's handmade?
And, I would like to share that I am OFFICIALLY registered for the LA Marathon on March 21, 2010 at 7:20 am. Wahoo! So, I hope I will feel ready in two months. There was an option on the registration to personalize your bib...I really wanted to be clever or inspirational but all I could come up with was: Ashley. Ha. I wish I was more quick-witted like my sister. She would have thought of something like...I don't know..."Don'tpoopyourpants"...or something way better than that. So, Manda, I'm curious what you would have put! Throw some ideas in the comments so people can understand why I say you're the quick-witted one in the family!
Alright, I'm outskies.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Just call me Annie Oakley.
Yep, I must say, I enjoyed the firing range. I didn't do so bad, but of course, Mike was WAY better. Good thing I know how to shoot a handgun...for when I make time to apply for the police academy. Yeah, just's not in my life plan, but who knows, things change! And evidence to that is my new job. I am officially a Starbucks employee...ahem, "partner"...and I'm loving it. Change is good sometimes.
As far as the running goes, my total mileage is at 96 miles. Yesterday I ran 13 miles and felt pretty good. My foot is no longer a problem, thanks to my sister's friend CK, who gave me sage advice! I'm looking forward to attempting my first marathon on March 21 in LA and if all goes well, I'd like to try another one in October. A few recent things I have learned during my training:
1. Gel shots are AMAZING and seriously give me the boost I need to run the many miles. So far I really like the strawberry and orange flavored caffeine packed shots.
2. Don't clip my ipod shuffle to the waist of my pants unless there is another layer underneath. When I got done with the 13 miles I realized I had a nice raw gash on my stomach from my shuffle rubbing against me for over 2 hours. Need a new spot for the shuffle.
Today I spontaneously decided to use my free Blockbuster movie rental to rent the first season of 30 Rock. And now that I am 4 episodes deep, I realize I have been missing out. This show is great! I love Tina Fey. And Kenneth is my favorite. And now I understand why Steph had this phrase on her facebook page: Live every week like it's Shark Week.