Thursday, January 21, 2010


Alright, I seriously don't understand why construction men have to gawk at women as they walk by them. (Disclaimer: I'm sure there are some good ole boys out there who only focus on their tasks and turn their gaze from women walking by construction sites...)

BUT, come on! So, I was running at Wash Park this morning and passed two groups of construction men working on the sidewalk. One guy in the first group pointed at me, turned to his pals, and then they ALL turned around simultaneously and gawked for a prolonged period of time. GROSS. And then I passed the second group of men and they just all immediately turned and loooooooooooooked at me. Seriously, is that necessary?? And I attempted a very mean, serious glare and I'm pretty sure one of them mocked me. It really makes me feel objectified and I hate that. I mean, I would understand a glance or even a smile as I passed by them...but the rubber-necking has got to stop! Arrrgghhhh. That's my vent and soap box for today.

And Mike wanted to be included in the he says, "Hi!"


Manda said...

Oh dear. I guess you'll have to get a creatively titled bib that says: "SCREW OFF" and start wearing it during training!

Anna D. said...

Mike should ride a bike behind you while you run (or maybe a moped! or a segway!) and growl at all the obnoxious men. that would shut them up!

Lily of the Valley said...

Yep, I agree, a growl from Mike might have helped. Especially since the gorillas at the zoo and Isabella have known to confuse him for a bear.