Tuesday, January 5, 2010

10 Highlights from Christmas:

(inspired by my sister's recent blog entry)

10. HOT Christmas outfits.
9. 1st Christmas in Denver with Mike and Mom!

8. Reading many books with my niece.

7. Festive socks!

6. Playing LOTS of Wii bowling, tennis, and Wii fit plus crazy games. Yeeessss.

5. Early mornings hanging with Sydney...or sleepily hearing her morning sounds while I slowly woke up.

4. Getting to pick up Michael from the airport with a new tradition! Normally I get picked up from the airport by him because I tend to travel more (ahem...fam in Cali). And he always brings me flowers :)

3. Having sister time. There's nothing better than talking and laughing with my sister...and getting my hair played with, sister style!

2. Doing my runs in California weather.

1. Being with my whole fam and getting to spend Christmas Day with them!!


Stephanie White said...

Yay! This is happiness.

Manda said...

It was the greatest Christmas EVER!!