Monday, December 14, 2009

Miles and miles.

After watching an inspiring episode of The Biggest Loser, which included the contestants running a marathon, I thought...maybe I should run a marathon. So, I've officially decided to run the LA Marathon on March 21, 2010.

Folks, that's what happens when you find yourself with too much time on your come up with crazy ideas. I guess it's not sooo crazy because I do have a background of distance running. I ran cross country for 7 years (middle school and high school). I have somewhat of an idea of what it might be like to run 26.2 miles, right? Yikes. I ran a half marathon with my Dad when I was in high school...but I'm more than a little rusty now. I just needed a goal.

Well, I started training two weeks ago. I officially started following an 18 week program created by Hal Higdon 1 week I'm a couple of weeks behind in his program. I should be able to get enough training in starting 15 weeks out, I think. This is one of those many moments I wish my Dad was alive and in my life. He ran at least 4 marathons while he was alive that I know of and I really would just like to ask him for advice.

A few things I have learned in the miles I have run so far:

1. Running in 20 degree weather is way easier than running in 7 degree weather. Imagine that!
2. Sometimes I feel better in the first half of my run and sometimes I feel better in the last half.
3. 26.2 miles is a long way to go...4 miles right now feels like forever...

Unfortunately I've had to delay the training for a few days due to a foot injury. I'm hoping that by tomorrow I will be able to be up and running again.

1 comment:

Manda said...

How's the frozen water bottle treating you? Hope your foot's feeling better! So proud of you!