Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Interviews are nerve racking. I recently boasted that I rock at interviews and rarely get nervous because I'm that good. Well, today I have an interview at Starbucks...well interview # 2 (long story) and I have to admit, I'm feeling the butterflies. I just need to focus on the keys to successful interviewing:

1. eye contact, Eye Contact, EYE CONTACT!!!
2. don't fart.
3. smile A LOT...but not too much. don't want to look fake.
4. remember the name of the person that interviews me...
5. dress REAL sharp (my sister helped me in that department)
6. don't be late!

Anything I'm forgetting??

Wish me luck!!!!


Manda said...

I'm sure you rocked it girl!! :)

Lily of the Valley said...

Love #2.

Anna D. said...

you'll nail it! and oh man, talk about feeding your addictions... one free pound of Christmas blend a week, am I right???