Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving was full of blessings!

It was so wonderful to see my whole family for Thanksgiving this year. Sydney is sooo big! I couldn't hold back tears when I saw her the first day she was here in Colorado for Thanksgiving. And having my sister and her husband here was so great. I love nothing more than spending time with my family and whether we were: eating, running after Syd, watching a movie, or walking around Sports was all so fun. I cherished every moment and wished that each minute would last longer. I am often thankful for what God has allowed me to have so far in this life but weekends like the one I just had remind me in such a big way of how lucky I am--and what wonderful gifts I have received. Thank you, Lord!


Lily of the Valley said...


Manda said...

Look at you blogging!! I had a wonderful weekend too. Can't wait to hang out more! YAY!