Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lots to report!

The LA marathon was a success! I completed the marathon in 4 hours and 54 minutes and I ran the whole way! I feel good about completing the marathon, but I couldn't have done it without the support of Mike, my Mom, my sister, my brother-in-law, my niece, and my best friend Stacy!

Since the marathon, Mike and I have been enjoying the start of baseball season. Go Rockies! Also, we went on a snow-shoeing adventure with my Mom. We're all about the new adventures. And we will be embarking on a new adventure when my sister and brother-in-law's second baby arrives in October. Can't wait! I'm already checking out gender appropriate ;) clothing at Target!

1 comment:

Lily of the Valley said...

Ash, you look amazing. Yay and snaps to you for running that marathon. Miss you.