1. Diamond FRICKIN earrings. Yes, folks, Mike surprised me with AMAZING, STUNNING, DIAMOND earrings for Valentine's Day....well, it was our designated Valentine's Day on the 18th. I had no idea he was doing this. And this is a real big deal because I'm not really a jewelry kind of gal....but a looong time ago I mentioned how nice it would be to have diamond earrings one day. Well, that day is now! What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man! And he did lots of other sweet things too to make me feel special. One in particular was that he said he's going to train for and run a 5k before I run my marathon...which really means the most to me.
2. I heart LOST. I know that the plot has taken some interesting turns and some people are unhappy about it...but I still love it. It's my guilty pleasure each week to find time to myself to watch the most recent episode online. Cause who am I kidding...I rarely get a chance to sit in front of my t.v. and watch it at it's regularly scheduled time.
3. For the last few days I've had the privilege of filling in for my Mom's friend and doing Mom duties for her daughter. It's super fun! I know this is going to sound crazy for those of you who know me really well...but...I actually enjoy getting up at 7 am to make her lunch and drive her to school in my p.j.s.
4. I have 'Starbucks hands'...and no this does not mean that my hands have become magically inclined to make perfect lattes every time...too bad...it means that my hands are dry ALL OF THE TIME and crack and bleed. Yay!! And I sometimes develop a rash down my arms when I have been washing dishes for a while. Despite what my hands endure at work, I really love my job! Making coffee drinks is fun and last week I was officially certified as a barista! Of course I need lots more practice but I definitely have the basics down :) And I love getting to drink my favorite drinks for free!
5. My marathon training has been going well. Next weekend my long run is 20 miles and then I begin to taper to get ready for the marathon. It is not that far away...March 21. I have acquired some new friends on my feet including some sweet blister/callous dealios on my toes and one of my toe nails is bruised for what seems indefinitely. Ah, the milestones of becoming a runner :) Yesterday I ran in the dang snow for 13 miles and that was frustrating. But, LA weather is calling my name!
6. Mike and I have been doing swing dance lessons the last couple of weeks (although, we skipped last week...) and it is really fun! Granted, Mike and I have had our frustrating moments while learning how to dance together...but I think that's part of the process. Our teachers are national swing dance champions which is pretty cool. Our class is packed, so once our sessions end we want to try and sign up for individual lessons.
7. I love me some Gatorade. Lately, it has been so refreshing to me. And I have recently learned that they have A.M. Gatorade and I reeealllly like that. Especially the strawberry-orange flavor. Yum! And I refuse to drink G2 because I think it is grody. Although it probably is a little bit healthier than my sugar packed verson :)
Side note: Manda, tell Sydney her Auntie Ashley loves her soooo much!!!!
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I'll tell her!
Glad you're having so much fun lately! (But I have to be a big sis and tell you to kick the Gatorade to the curb ... full of high fructose corn syrup and NOT good for you!! SORREEEEEE!!)
love you!
hahaaaaaaa, grody gatorade. and hot damn, way to GO MIKE with the diamonds!!! very classy. :)
Glad things are going so well (except for the crack and bleeding of hands). Miss you!
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