Friday, August 22, 2008

Krispy Kreme and Golf.

I was hoping to switch my eating habits in the middle of this week, ya know, start eating more vegetables and less Cheetos, even though I'm on vacation. Yeah....that worked for about half a meal. After Manda's Dr.'s appointment yesterday, which we all attended, John saw Krispy Kreme on the ride home and it was all over. He made sure to turn that car around and purchase 2 boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Included in that box was my favorite, raspberry filled glazed. So yeah, my plan was foiled. And soon after that we had a pizza filled lunch at Shakey's. Constant eating, that's what we do.

What is it about vacation and eating anything and everything you want? Apparently it's something I do very well. I just can't help it...AND my sister is pregnant and it is a lot of fun to enjoy food with a pregnant lady. That takes me back to the winter of 2007 when my friend Laura came to visit me while she was pregnant. Mike and I took her to the grocery store to buy food for her visit and she started eating a doughnut while we were at the grocery store and we left Safeway with ice cream, m&ms, cookies, THE WORKS. It was wonderful. I guess it's the pregnant ladies way of adding weight to those around them while they gain baby weight.

Last night we played Golf, a card game, which has now become a family favorite. We're just enjoying all this time we get to spend together. And in my opinion, the days are going by WAY too fast.

1 comment:

LarMar said...

yes- we all get together and figure out how to make those around us as fat as us. hehe.
i am so glad that you guys get to hang out, but so sad that you don't have a little baby puking all over you. how long are you there for again....