Saturday, September 13, 2008

A nice welcome home.

I was greeted by a smiley man with flowers at the airport. Yes, I knew this man. He also had a Pumpkin Spice Latte waiting for me in the car AND a present!
And THEN, when we got back to my house, he proceeded to make me dinner. I am one lucky girl!
It was hard to leave my new niece, but it's nice to be home again.


LarMar said...

uhm. he's nice.

and- i am trying to get brave and come in october. the more i think about it, the more hesitant i get. traveling alone with baby and being the sole provider at night seems scary right now. but we shall see.

Manda said...

WAY TO GO MIKE!! I'm so proud of him. LOVE the pics of you guys and Wileyboo. So cute.
COME OVER HERE AND COOK!! We miss you SO MUCH. It's been a tough week missing my family. :(

Lily of the Valley said...

That is so super fantastic of Mike. Good job Mike. Also for you, Ash, for helping your sis' out so much. Look forward to seeing you guys Saturday!