Ooohhhkay...the last time I blogged was in July...
Here's the latest and the greatest since then...kinda...that's a lot of updating..so here's the most recent news:
- I saw New Moon last night and liked it. Mike felt a tad outnumbered in the theater. He made a couple of 'just loud enough for some of the female audience members to hear him' disgruntled comments...but we all know the truth :)
- Sunny, who was a timely God send, is a wonderful dog. She sleeps late with me and loves to give everyone little subtle kisses on their hands. No news on Wiley. We continue to pray that he is safe and will be back home one day.
- Unemployment has definitely not been so terrible for me. I love having no schedule and getting to clean and organize all of the time. Buuutt...I'm getting to the point where I need to get moving on finding a job. So, thus, the job search begins.
- I'm really excited for Thanksgiving because my sister, brother-in-law, and niece are coming to town!! Holidays are my favorite time of year because I get to be with my whole family.
- I LOVE Christmas! Stockings, ELF, Harry Connick Jr., Starbucks Christmas Blend, sugar cookies with icing, Jesus' Birthday, snow, giving presents, Suzy's Santa outfit, and so much more!!
- Mike and I have been watching Grey's Anatomy from the beginning. So great. And I feel so enlightened about medical things..so I find myself referring back to various episodes of crazy surgeries when people tell me they are not feeling well or have an odd cramp. And then I remember that the extent of my medical background is being trained in first aid...
- My current goal is to furiously work through my current coffee bean supply so I can open my FIRST bag of Christmas Blend!!
- Oh, and my hair is darker. Kurt worked his magic and dyed my hair a darker brown, with a blue undertone..? I don't understand the hair coloring technicalities. I'm really liking it though. Now people really think that my Mom and I are twins. But I've been hearing those comments since before I can remember.
Alright, see ya in another 4 months! Ha. Sad, but probably true.