Tucker came to visit (our friends' cockapoo)

And Wiley is as cute as ever.

Sorry for the blog absence. I think I blog like I return phone calls, not timely and not regularly...oops. Laura, I got your messages and I love you! We'll talk soon, okay?!
Yep, life has been full, but good. Work still has a lot of ups and downs. Today I was a "piece of shit"...next week I may be referred to by another cuss word. Of course, working with these kids has it's rewards, but sometimes I want to say..."Shut up and put a bar of soap in your mouth, for the love of Pete!"
Right on. I'm way excited because my sister, brother-in-law, and new niece will be here next week for Thanksgiving. It's going to be great to see them and hold my favorite baby.
The next couple of weeks will include: two weddings, Thanksgiving, time with family, and traveling to Grand Rapids and Chicago.